Our patrons will be able to communicate with the friendly BLRL Librarians better than ever.
We are modernizing our antiquated phones this will allow us to have voicemail and other useful tools that will make contacting the library more convenient and easier.
Monett and Miller Branch Libraries will have new Phone and Fax numbers, and Eagle Rock, Pierce City, and Shell Knob branches will have new Fax numbers. All other BLRL locations will retain the same phone/fax numbers.
Monett: NEW Phone --417-235-7350
NEW Fax -417-319-2391
**Monett will begin using their new numbers on Nov. 23rd**
Miller: NEW Phone – 417-423-8528
NEW Fax – 417-423-8582
Eagle Rock: NEW Fax – 417-444-5109
Pierce City: NEW Fax 417-408-8810
Shell Knob: NEW Fax 417-720-2099
*The Regional Library Office will retain the 417-235-6646 Phone number and the 417-235-6799 Fax number (these are shared with the Monett branch until Nov. 23rd.)