Update! Library Closed Due To Winter Weather:BLRLibraryUpdated: Feb 3, 2022All Branches of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library will be closed today. today Thursday, 2/3/2022Check out our wide array of library services you can use online: https://www.blrlibrary.com/servicesRequest an E-Card to start using library services right away:https://www.blrlibrary.com/post/don-t-have-a-library-card-get-an-e-card-right-now Check back here for updates regarding the library schedule changes this winter.
All Branches of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library will be closed today. today Thursday, 2/3/2022Check out our wide array of library services you can use online: https://www.blrlibrary.com/servicesRequest an E-Card to start using library services right away:https://www.blrlibrary.com/post/don-t-have-a-library-card-get-an-e-card-right-now Check back here for updates regarding the library schedule changes this winter.