The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library supports and adheres to all laws and policies dealing with equal employment opportunity the Civil Rights Acts, the Americans with Disabilities Act, fair employment practices, fair labor standards, the Family Medical Leave Act, and other federal, state, and local legislation concerned with employment and hiring practices.
In accordance with appropriate federal laws, the library will confirm citizenship or the right for noncitizens to work in the United States. Additional policies pertaining to library personnel practices have been implemented and are included in the Personnel Policy Manual.
Employees of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library System are hired “at will”, and within the guidelines of library policies and procedures conditions of employment may be changed without cause or notice. Likewise employees are not contracted to work for a specific tenure of service and may terminate their employment relationship at any time with or without cause and with or without notice.
Job descriptions are available for each library position. Library personnel are hired as employees of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library System and governed by the rules and regulations of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library System. An employee job classification system outlines positions available with beginning base salary rates. (See Personnel Policy Manual—Section 3—Job Classifications)
The Code of Ethics outlines responsibilities and priorities for library personnel (see Personnel Policy Manual—Section 1—Hiring).
The Library Director shall have sole charge of the administration of the library system under the direction and review of the board of trustees, reporting regularly on progress and plans.