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Items that publicize or promote community organizations and local events further the role of the library as the central source for civic, cultural, educational, and recreational information.

Display space is available in most branches of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library System for community organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities to disseminate information. Bulletin boards may not be used for personal, religious, political, sales, or commercial advertisements. Items may be displayed for a maximum period of one month. The person posting the item must write the posting date on the lower right-hand corner of the item. Library staff will remove items that are no longer current or that have been posted for one month. Items removed will be discarded; library staff will not return posters and flyers that have been displayed.

Community organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities may distribute informational brochures through information racks or on public information distribution tables provided in branches that have space for them. Items that may be distributed in the information racks and distribution areas include flyers, brochures, leaflets, newspapers, and pamphlets that provide information about nonprofit civic, educational, cultural, or recreational organizations and events. Materials that promote programs or projects of a personal or commercial nature may not be distributed in the library. Items may be distributed for as long as they are valid. If space becomes limited, preference will be given to items of a timely nature and to organizations or groups that have not recently distributed items.

Distribution or posting of items by the library does not indicate endorsement of the issues, events, or services promoted by those materials. Items left or posted that do not meet the criteria outlined in this policy will be removed and discarded. Questions about the policy and its application can be addressed to the library director.

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