The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library District provides outreach services to patrons who would not otherwise have access to library services and resources with an emphasis on those who are un-served or underserved due to physical, economic, social, geographic, or other barriers. The Library District staff makes visits and provides programs throughout Barry and Lawrence counties, as well as provide delivery of selected items.
Outreach services include homebound deliveries, nursing home/institutional visits, daycare/headstart visits, off-site programming, fairs/festivals, pop up library visits, and other services.
Homebound deliveries (Books to Go) provides library materials to those who are physically unable to leave their homes and cannot utilize traditional service. Deliveries and pick up of library items are made to the customer’s home or living facility.
The Pop Up Library is a mobile service that provides material to patrons in un-served or underserved areas. Anyone can borrow material. A library card is not needed. There are no overdue fines. The material can be returned at the patron’s local library or at the next pop up library visit. Patrons also have the option of swapping a like new item for the item that they borrowed.
5.111 Public Relations and the Communities
The staff, the Board of Trustees, and the Friends of the Library members want to encourage the widest possible use of the branch libraries by citizens of their communities. An ongoing public relations program is part of that effort.
The library director, public relations manager, and/or branch supervisors shall issue announcements of forthcoming programs, publicity, and news items to local newspapers, radio and television stations where available.
In the broadest sense of public relations, the library staff sets the tone for the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library District every day. Staff members are encouraged to be courteous and friendly while providing the most efficient service possible, to know their community and to participate in community activities and organizations. Staff members should be available to speak to groups outside the library whenever they are asked to do so.
Members of the Board of Trustees should support the library system and its activities in their communities, promoting good will, awareness of library programs and services, and helping build community support.
Members of the Friends of the Library groups are encouraged to support their branch library and to promote public understanding of the library and the vital role that it plays in today’s society.
5.112 Relationship with Schools and Businesses
The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library and the public and private schools of our communities are companion education agencies, but their responsibilities differ in scope and function. The public library exists t to serve the information and recreational needs of all residents of the community and to maintain a balance in services and programs for all age groups.
The public library will cooperate with but cannot duplicate the functions of school libraries. Cooperative efforts will include: borrowing and lending of materials, assisting with special projects and reading promotions, reserving collections of books for student use when requested, lending collections of books for classroom use, and teaching library skills.
Tours of the branch libraries and special story hour programs will be provided for school classes and groups by appointment.
Book delivery services are available to schools in Barry and Lawrence counties. School administrators must sign a contract for services agreeing to the following:
· To return materials promptly and in good condition.
· To pay for any lost or damaged materials at the end of the school term.