4.31 Statement of Purpose
Barry-Lawrence Regional Library lends books, periodicals (except for the current issue), audio/visual material (CD’s, DVD’s, etc.), e-materials (e-books, e-audio, etc.). Library customers have freedom of access to all materials in the library system and the Missouri Evergreen Consortium.
The library does not lend microfilm, microfiche, oversized atlases, specified reference items, or current issues of periodicals.
4.32 Loan Periods
The Barry-Lawrence Regional Library District shall have a standard loan period of two weeks for all circulating materials with the following exceptions:
· Interlibrary loan periods are set by the loaning library and may vary.
· Reference items are not considered circulating materials and therefore may not be loaned out.
· Loan periods may be adjusted for high demand items
· Electronic and or downloadable materials may have varying loan periods based on vendor/supplier requirements.
· Loan periods may be extended to accommodate vacations and other anticipated absences from the area. Loan periods will not be extended for items that are on request by other borrowers.
4.33 Renewals
All items except dvd’s may be renewed for two additional loan periods, provided the borrower has not been billed for any overdue item(s) and no other customer has placed a hold on the item(s).
Renewals may be done in person, by telephone or the borrower can access his/her personal account online.
Interlibrary loan items may be renewed if allowed by the lending library.
4.34 Holds
All materials throughout the system area available to all library customers regardless of where the materials are housed (individual branch locations). All holds placed by customers or staff will be done in a consistent manner on a first come first serve basis.
Library employees are not allowed to move a customer up or down the list or to remove a customer from the holds list for any reason unless expressly requested by the customer or upon approval from the Regional Office.
Customers may place up to 10 holds per library card.
4.34A Accessing Online “My Account” and Placing Holds
4.35 Staff Materials Borrowing
All employees of the Barry-Lawrence Regional Library District, resident or non-resident, shall be allowed to borrow materials and make normal use of the library’s facilities and services.
Employees must follow the same policies related to check out, renewals, due dates, and holds as library customers. Any abuse by employees of library services shall be subject to disciplinary action.