Material purchase requests may be completed by any staff member. The branch supervisor must check and initial every request that staff completes. Material purchase requests may be made for books, cds, and dvds.
All purchase request forms must include as much detail as possible.
· Branch Name
· Item Type, ex. Book, CD, DVD
· Date
· Author—Last name first
· Title
· Subject
· Publisher
· Copyright Date
· Cost
· Information Source(s)—Amazon, book review, publisher catalog, etc.
Only submit requests for items that you need in the collection. Patrons are allowed to make requests, but only submit them if it is an item that you would like to add. An information source must be listed for any and all requests—even patron requests.
On patron requested items list the name of the customer on the back of the order slip. If only one patron has requested a title it may be better to order the item through ILL. If it’s in the system already then it may be better to borrow it.
The Regional Office has final approval for any item that is ordered for the system. If a purchase request is denied the branch will be contacted with the details as to why it was not ordered.